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Install Juniper di GNS3 + Download link


 GNS3 -

Download img file juniper disini 

Password rar ; www.alkhair.my.id 

Vidio tutorial install disini

1. Klik New template

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

2. Pilih from GNS3 server

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

3. Pilih template Juniper vMX

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

4. Klik next

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

5. Klik create a new version

A screenshot of a computer error

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

6. Masukkan versi img 14.1R4.10

A screenshot of a computer error

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

7. Masukkan nama file img jinstall-vmx-14.1R4.10-domestic.img

A screenshot of a computer error

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

8. Pilih import untuk upload file img


9. Pilih file img sesuai versi template jinstall-vmx-14.1R4.10-domestic.img

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

10. Tunggu hingga proses upload selesai


11. Setelah upload selesai status akan berubah menjadi ready to install, setelah itu klik next

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

12. Klik yes

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

13. Klik finish

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

14. Apabila terjadi error seperti berikut next ke step 15

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

15. Klik kanan lalu configure template

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

16. Pada tab advanced, hapus text pada additional setting bagian option

A screenshot of a computer

AI-generated content may be incorrect. 

17. Done

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